Here at CyclAbility we couldn’t run (sorry, cycle) without our wonderful team of volunteers. From a friendly face at Reception through to keeping the refreshments table topped up, repairing cycles and helping to get set up on a suitable ride, we are truly grateful to the people who turn up and give their time to help keep the wheels turning. A big shout-out to you all!
Some of our helpers have been involved for many years; others have come on board more recently (see below for a brief intro from Fiona, who joined us as a volunteer in March). More hands on deck are always welcome – do get in touch if you fancy joining in. Maybe you enjoy meeting and greeting people, perhaps you’re a whizz with a bike spanner, or you could be a technical expert at washing up. And if you don’t have the spare time yourself but know someone who would enjoy a regular opportunity to be part of a team supporting inspirational activity, do point them our way, or nab Janet or Jennifer at a session – we’re always happy to have a chat about possibilities.
Introducing Fiona
Fiona started volunteering with us in March, and is now a session leader. We’re delighted to have her on board as part of the team!
Fiona says, ‘I've been cycling in Oxford all my life since embryo stage and it's always been my main form of transport . I enjoy supporting people, and have worked in various settings alongside people with mental health issues. I’ve been learning a lot about inclusive cycling at CyclAbility and have been inspired by meeting the participants and supporters.
I’ve also lived and worked in France for quite a few years – feel free to chat to me in français!’
Partnership projects
As well as being a place for individuals/groups to come and ride, over the last year we’ve been working with various other organisations to spread the joy and benefits of cycling. In June we’re welcoming our second group of ‘Better Health’ participants who are on a course organised by Achieve Oxfordshire – a programme which includes exercise and tailored health and nutrition advice. Some of the previous course members have become regular session participants.
Bike Oxford
Various long distance rides (Sportives) are being organised by ‘Bike Oxford’ in late June. And as part of their programme we’ve got our very own inclusive event at the track on Friday June 21st. It’s taking place at our morning session, so booking and timings work in the usual way. There will be a festive atmosphere and a great chance to celebrate your cycling – set yourself a challenge or complete your usual ride and get presented with a medal by the Lord Mayor at the end!
Tuesday 23 July The annual ‘Have a go’ day will be running, with a variety of activities and sports available to try out. Non cycling events such as archery and boccia will be taking place on the adjacent rugby field, with the track kept for cycling – open to extra guests from 11am on the morning.